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State announces more than $148M in Empower Rural Iowa broadband grants

Funding will target newly established Broadband Intervention Zones


Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Department of Management’s Office of the Chief Information Officer announced Monday $148,960,000 in new broadband grant funding for internet service providers.

The grants are available through the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program with funding from the Capital Projects Fund administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury.

This eighth round of grant funds will be used as an incentive to build broadband infrastructure in the 96 newly established Broadband Intervention Zones, a news release said. These areas were identified from feedback at 55 public meetings and are deemed to be in the most need for broadband infrastructure expansion.

The new total broadband investment in Iowa between public and private money is $791,203,995.

More information is available on the OCIO website or by emailing ociogrants@iowa.gov.

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