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State, SAI launch effort to coach school principals


The state has joined School Administrators of Iowa to coach principals on how to best use the Teacher Leadership and Compensation system. In a statement, Gov. Kim Reynolds said the program provides a systematic approach to continually improving instruction to raise student achievement. “We know when principals understand how to support teacher leaders, it leads to success,” she said. The effort is expected to build on work with the New York City Leadership Academy. “Iowa’s TLC system has empowered teachers to take on important leadership roles in their schools, setting the stage for all teachers to learn from each other instead of operating in isolation within their classrooms,” Iowa Department of Education Director Ryan Wise said in a statement. The idea is to help principals use the training resources wisely. The administrators group has agreed to support training and workshops for 100 principals. More than 25 percent of teachers in all of the state’s 333 school districts are in leadership roles, often serving as mentors. To read a Business Record article about the TLC program, click here.

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