State to establish more permanent drug ‘Take Back’ sites
BPC Staff Oct 17, 2016 | 8:15 pm
1 min read time
134 wordsAll Latest News, Government Policy and Law, Health and WellnessGov. Terry Branstad today announced a new initiative to create more permanent year-round Prescription Take Back locations throughout Iowa to augment the biannually scheduled Take Back Days. The initial goal is to ensure each county has at least one permanent collection site by January, said Steve Lukan, director of the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy. About 60 secure medicine disposal kiosks are already located at community pharmacies and local law enforcement centers, according to a list on the drug control office’s website. Last year, 23 Iowans died from prescription opioid overdoses. Annually, more than 300 million doses of controlled prescription drugs are dispensed in Iowa. The next Take Back Day is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For a list of Take Back locations, click here.