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State treasurer encourages Iowans with disabilities to save through IAble accounts


State Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald, administrator of Iowa’s ABLE plan, IAble, encourages individuals with disabilities to consider saving with the plan, especially if they are earning an income. “IAble provides financial security and independence for individuals with disabilities who want to save money and maintain federal benefits,” Fitzgerald said. “Plus, account owners who are working have additional benefits when saving with the plan.” The federal Stephen Beck Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act authorized states to create ABLE programs; Iowa launched its program in January 2017. Under the ABLE to Work Act, eligible working ABLE account owners can contribute more than the $15,000 federal annual contribution limit. Currently, more than 1,070 individuals with disabilities are saving with IAble and $9 million is invested in the plan, with an average account balance of more than $8,500. To learn more about the plan, visit www.iable.gov.

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