Stocks of Iowa-traded companies take a hit in March


Iowa companies had an unlucky March, with a majority recording share price losses last month. 

Pharmaceutical company KemPharm Inc. and biodiesel manufacturer Renewable Energy Group Inc. were among the top gainers for the month. KemPharm and Renewable Energy Group Inc. both had double-digit increases on a percentage basis in March. 

Recreational vehicle manufacturer Winnebago Industries Inc. was hardest hit in March with a 16.88 percent loss. Winnebago released its second-quarter earnings report on March 21 with concerns on demand levels regarding peak season sales, although it remained cautiously optimistic.

The Business Record’s Iowa Index, an unweighted average price of 22 state-based public companies, was down 2.07 percent in March. On a year-over-year basis, the index was up 1.56 percent, compared with Nasdaq’s 16.21 percent increase from a year ago. Nine of the 22 companies in the index had price gains for the month.

It should be noted that April has started off with market volatility related at least in part to a tariff spat with China. Also, as noted in the news briefs below, NewLink Genetics Corp. shares dropped sharply today after news of a failed drug trial. 

See the full Iowa Index