Stuff the Bus book drive being held today
BUSINESS RECORD STAFF Apr 30, 2018 | 4:06 pm
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United Way of Central Iowa’s annual Stuff the Bus book drive will be held today at Athene USA’s headquarters in West Des Moines. The communitywide initiative is dedicated to donating books for use by child care centers and educational programs that serve low-income children. A list of age-appropriate books can be found here. Last year Athene collected more than 9,000 books as part of the 30,000 books donated throughout Greater Des Moines. Book donations can be dropped off at Athene, 7700 Mills Civic Parkway, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Book donations are also accepted anytime during regular business hours at United Way’s human services campus at 1111 Ninth St. in Des Moines.