Survey explores biking habits of residents
Respondents desire more trails and bike lanes in the Greater Des Moines area
The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) recently released the results of a survey aimed at exploring the bicycling habits of Greater Des Moines residents. The MPO acts as the formal transportation body for the area and coordinates between the state, public, local, state and federal agencies in regard to transportation planning issues, which includes reducing traffic congestion.
One key area the MPO has made a priority is creating and expanding opportunities for bicycle facilities across the state.
The hope is to use the results of the biking survey, which is the first in a series of online surveys about transportation-related topics, to develop plans and projects for the future related to bicycle transportation. MPO leaders will use the results at future roundtables and in discussions with policy-makers as well.
About half the respondents said they never ride their bike or ride it on average once per week, while half ride their bikes at least twice per week.
Those surveyed were for the most part satisfied with how the community is designed for bicycle safety, with 64.1 percent saying they were somewhat satisfied and 12.5 percent saying they were very satisfied. However, 23.4 percent were unsatisfied.
Respondents had an opportunity to write in suggestions for changes, and nearly 70 percent desired additional bike trails and bike lanes on roads. Other concerns had to do with the need for more bike racks, better traffic signals for cyclists, wider trails, stronger laws to protect cyclists, and a need for better education and training for the community.
Recreation (48.9 percent) and exercise (20.3 percent) were the two primary reasons respondents said they used their bikes. Coming in third was commuting to school or work, with 15 percent of respondents saying that was the primary purpose of their bike trips.
The Ingersoll Avenue bike lanes don’t appear to be getting full usage, according to the survey results. Only 25 percent of the respondents said they have used the bike lanes that were added in May amid much debate.
Of the respondents who had used the lanes, more than three-fourths called it a positive experience. Problems that were raised with the bike lanes included uneven sections of the lanes, potholes and a bumpy road surface, and competition with buses and traffic.
Respondents felt that the best way to help facilitate a bike culture in the Des Moines area was to spread the word about the benefits of biking and to encourage education programs for all ages. Respondents also wanted to see the MPO help develop a complete network of biking trails connecting Des Moines with the existing trails in the suburbs and wanted the MPO to dedicate more funding to bicycle facilities.