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Survey: Here’s how Americans plan on using their tax refunds


According to the latest Principal Well-Being Index survey, 46 percent of Americans who receive a tax refund this year plan to save or invest the money. The return on investment may be bigger than most people realize. Someone who socks away $1,500 — about half the average federal refund amount — and added another $1,500 each year for 10 years would see that investment grow to $88,000 for retirement after 30 years. About one-third of millennials said they plan to pay off short-term and long-term debts, while just 14 percent said they’d spend it on a big-ticket item. Gen Xers were the most likely to think about charities — 11 percent in that generation said they would give some or all of their tax refund to a charity. The online survey was conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of Principal; 1,111 employees of small to medium-sized businesses were polled.