Survey: Majority of U.S. firms keeping or increasing year-end bonuses

Many U.S. workers will be bringing home fatter paychecks this month, according to new research from global staffing firm Robert Half. More than three-quarters of senior managers polled (76%) said their company offers year-end bonuses. Of those respondents, almost all noted that their organizations plan to either increase these incentives (48%) or keep them the same (48%) this year. Only 4% of executives anticipate reducing the amount given to employees. In a separate survey of workers by Robert Half, 52% of respondents said they expect a bonus this year. Professionals have a variety of plans for the extra money, including putting it toward long-term savings (52%), a vacation in the new year (47%), holiday shopping and paying off debt (46% each). For employer tips about offering year-end bonuses, click here.