Taste of the Fair coming to State Fairgrounds


A young fairgoer bites into a giant turkey leg at a recent Iowa State Fair. The State Fair is offering a Taste of the Fair to bring vendors and customers together the weekends of July 24-26 and July 31-Aug. 2. Photo courtesy the Iowa State Fair.

The Iowa State Fair will bring a taste of the fair to Central Iowa residents — literally. The State Fair was canceled this year because of the coronavirus pandemic and concerns over the ability to follow social distancing guidelines to keep fairgoers safe. To help vendors who otherwise would lose income because of the cancellation of the fair, and to help feed the appetite of people craving fair food, the Iowa State Fair is offering a Taste of the Fair on two upcoming weekends. Each weekend will feature 20 vendors offering their best fare for people craving deep-fried creative concoctions. The first weekend is Friday, July 24, through Sunday, July 26. The Taste of the Fair will be open from 4 to 9 p.m. on Friday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday. The hours will be the same for the following weekend, Friday, July 31, through Sunday, Aug. 2. Vendors will be set up in the main midway/Thrill Ville area near the north parking lot off University Avenue. Fair officials said in a news release that all social distancing guidelines will be followed, and that admission and parking is free.