The Elbert Files: How to boost gun sales
DAVE ELBERT Mar 6, 2018 | 8:49 pm
3 min read time
618 wordsBusiness Record Insider, Opinion, The Elbert FilesThe sun was shining. The snow had mostly melted. And I was enjoying my morning walk, when I saw my friend, K.C., crossing Grand Avenue near the Des Moines Art Center.
I could tell immediately that something was bothering him.
“Those Second Amendment folks should be careful what they wish for,” he said as he approached.
“That’s an odd thing to say,” I said. “What do you think they’re wishing?”
“They think the solution to school shootings is to put armed guards in every school,” K.C. said. “It may be a bad idea,” I said, “but look where it’s coming from, people like Newt Gingrich who says we ought to have six or eight armed security guards at every school.
“At this point,” I said, “a real newt — you know those salamander-like things that swim around in shallow ponds — has more credibility than Gingrich.
“Why would anyone pay attention to anything he says?”
“They probably don’t,” K.C. agreed. “But he’s just one of many. Arming school guards is an NRA idea to boost gun sales.
“They need to create new demand for high-capacity weapons, because after Donald Trump was elected they couldn’t scare people into buying more weapons by telling them Hillary {Clinton} would take away their guns.
“Now, they’re hoping to boost sales by putting security guards in schools with AR-15s. It will be a big boon for gun manufacturers. In fact, it’s probably the biggest idea Wayne LaPierre has had since he took over leadership of the NRA.
“By the way,” he added, “do you know how much that guy makes? Five million bucks a year, and he’s got his own NRA security force. Probably better than Trump’s.
“Did you see LaPierre at CPAC? He was ranting about a tidal wave of European-style socialism. It reminded me of Joe McCarthy during the 1950s when he raged about Communists taking over the State Department.”
“Why do you care?” I said. “Just ignore him.”
“You mean ignore him like the Italians ignored Mussolini, like the Germans ignored Hitler?” K.C. said.
“I hardly think LaPierre is that kind of threat,” I said.
“Neither were Hitler nor Mussolini when they were running around in the 1920s with their goon squads,” K.C. said. “But then they put on their black shirts and their brown shirts and they got buy-in from the Catholic Church, at least for a while.
“By the time normal people realized what was going on it was too late,” K.C. said.
“Here’s what really worries me,” he continued.
“The NRA makes a big deal about the Second Amendment and how the government can’t infringe on the right of gun ownership.
“Then, LaPierre tells a bunch of lies to stir up his base so they can hire a bunch of school security guards and arm them with high-capacity weapons, because everyone knows that handguns are no match for a shooter with automatic weapons.
“If they succeed, LaPierre will have a ready-made police force that could put Hitler’s 1920 goon squads to shame.
“Think about it. If you put eight armed guards in every Des Moines school, you’ve got an army bigger than the entire Des Moines police force. Plus you’ve sold 500 automatic weapons.
“But here’s the irony,” he said.
“What happens when LaPierre tells his well-armed school guards to get rid of the opposition? That’s what Mussolini and Hitler did. And now that we have a president who admires dictators, it’s not a big reach to think he’d go along.”
“Then they’ll be the ones taking guns away from anyone who does not agree with them.”
“Things don’t always turn out the way you think they will,” K.C. said as he turned to walk away.