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The Iowa Center launches two new financial literacy programs


The Iowa Center is launching two new financial literacy programs to address a problem presented by the pandemic: Many small business owners, especially people of color, were denied financial assistance because they lacked the necessary financial documents or existing bank relationships required to successfully apply for emergency grants and loans available for COVID relief. This fall the Iowa Center will launch “Always Ready,” a working session for anyone who’s been denied a loan or wants to get their financials on track, and “Financially Savvy,” a multisession course on best practices for whole financial management. The virtual educational sessions will be held year-round and are open to any small business leader who is ready to realize greater potential through increased financial understanding, according to a release. Information about upcoming classes can be found online at: www.theiowacenter.org. If you’re interested in helping small business owners become financially savvy, contact lacheson@theiowacenter.org to learn how you can use your expertise to help.