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To shed interest debt, move to Iowa


Iowans will carry a lower interest payment load over their lifetimes than residents of any other state or the District of Columbia, according to Credit.com, MarketWatch reported.

The average American consumer will pay nearly $280,000 in interest over their lifetime, a figure that varies dramatically from state to state based on credit scores and mortgage size, MarketWatch said.

Iowans, on the other hand, will pay $129,394. Also at the bottom of the interest heap are Nebraska, $137,174, Wisconsin, $144,127, and Maine $154,340. Residents of Washington, D.C., will pay the most, $451,890.

Credit.com calculated the figures based on a 30-year mortgage, average car loan balance of $22,750 (assuming nine car loans over one lifetime) and 40 years of revolving credit card debt.