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Try to be a good client; it’s good for you too


I lost a close friend this past week. A friend who started out as a client more than 10 years ago. One of the many lessons I learned from her was what a good client looks like.

We talk about how a good advertising agency should behave, but rarely do the agencies or consultants turn the tables and suggest that, as in all relationships, it is a two-way street. So in her honor, I’d like to share these thoughts on how you can be a better client.

Treat your agency like a partner: If you don’t trust us enough to tell us about your budgets and your expectations, you should fire us. Duh.

Understand our world: Though we perform miracles on occasion, we work within real-life constraints. Show us that you understand our reality, and we’ll jump through hoops to go beyond it for you.

Have the tough conversations: Don’t sugarcoat it if we’ve disappointed you. Respect us enough to talk through difficulties with candor and kindness.

Appreciate the effort, not just the result: Sometimes, things just don’t go according to plan. It doesn’t negate the blood, sweat and tears of your team. Acknowledge that.

Let us in: When we go beyond work and get to know each other as people, we care more. Shouldn’t be that way, but it is. So invite us in. It will make the successes sweeter and the disappointments much less dramatic.

In this business, good clients are like gold. They make the long hours and killer deadlines not only bearable but enjoyable. Take a lesson from my friend’s book. Do your part. Be a good client. You’ll be amazed at the commitment you get in return. And if you are truly fortunate, you might just make a friend for life.

Drew McLellan is Top Dog at McLellan Marketing Group and the author of “99.3 Random Acts of Marketing.” He can be reached at Drew@MclellanMarketing.com.