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We want your thoughts on gender equality


Progress on gender equality can often seem as though it’s moving at a snail’s pace. Significant gains have been made in recent years, but setbacks often accompany them. Case in point: Iowa is led by a female governor and the country is in part headed by a female vice president, but women continue to hold fewer than a third of seats in state legislatures and the U.S. Congress. Women steadily occupy more and more positions at the highest levels of leadership each year, but women also have yet to return to pre-pandemic labor force participation levels.

At first glance, 2022 may not seem like a banner year for celebrating milestones in women’s equality. But this year marks the 50th anniversary of Title IX, which protects against sex-based discrimination at schools receiving federal funding, and is also the five-year anniversary of the #MeToo movement, which empowered individuals to speak up about sexual misconduct they experienced.  

For several years, the Business Record has published an annual survey dedicated to shining a light on women’s and gender issues. The results and trends differ every year (see previous coverage from 20212020201920182017and 2016), but one thing remains the same: Women are still not on equal footing with their male counterparts in many aspects of life.

We encourage you to share your thoughts with us in this year’s survey. While nonscientific, we believe the results illustrate current opinions and experiences that women have across the state in and outside of work.

We recognize that women are not monoliths, and all of us have different opinions, which is why we strive to receive a wide variety of responses that reflect the diversity of thought in the state. We’d love it if you would send the survey to other people within your communities and networks, too.

Additionally, we’re launching a new survey this year about workplace benefits that are known to positively benefit women. If you are a decision-maker or work in HR at your company or organization, we’d love for you to share your thoughts with us in that one, too.

The surveys will remain open through this Friday, March 4, at 11:59 p.m. Results and select comments will appear in future Business Record and Fearless coverage. There are multiple-choice questions and short-answer questions where you can leave comments when you feel it’s appropriate. Please include your name and title if you wish your comments to be considered for publication.

Thank you for participating in this survey, and thank you for the role you play in empowering Iowa women.

– Emily Barske, Business Record editor, and Emily Kestel, Fearless editor

Take the gender issues survey
Take the workplace benefits survey