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Wellmark awards grants to four Iowa communities in 3-Point Play program


Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield has awarded four Iowa communities with grants as part of its 3-Point Play program with university partners across the state. Throughout the 2021-22 college football and basketball seasons, each time a successful field goal was kicked, or a 3-point basket was made, Wellmark issued a contribution to support unfunded or underfunded health improvement projects. As part of the program, area sports fans were then invited to nominate their hometowns for a chance to win the project funding for their community. The winning communities and their hometown universities are: Des Moines (Drake University) – $11,340; Danbury (Iowa State University) – $19,020; Miles (University of Iowa) – $18,560; Pocahontas(University of Northern Iowa) – $16,520. The program also made two grant awards in South Dakota. “Since its inception in 2010, Wellmark’s 3-Point Play program has created tremendous value for communities across Iowa and South Dakota, and it’s been inspiring to watch this program grow and positively impact so many people,” said Chris Verlengia, Wellmark’s marketing activation and alliance lead. Several hundred communities were nominated between both states for the funding, which will be used by each winning community to initiate or complete a project that promotes a safe, inclusive and accessible environment for physical activity.