Wellmark earns adoption-friendly workplace recognition


The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption recently recognized Wellmark as one of the 100 best adoption-friendly workplaces in the U.S. Some other companies with Central Iowa ties that made the 2023 list included Barilla America and KMPG LLP. The list includes employers that are “leading the way in providing adoption and foster care benefits and recognizing the need for this life-changing support,” according to a news release. According to the Dave Thomas Foundation, the 2023 list includes a diverse group of organizations representing 22 industries. Employers that completed the survey offer an average of $14,831 in financial reimbursement for adoption costs — up 23.5% from 2022. The average amount of paid leave is nine weeks, an increase of 8.4% since 2022. Wellmark, in alignment with these national statistics, provides employees with a lifetime maximum benefit of $15,000 for adoption assistance. Employees also receive up to six weeks of paid parental leave, in addition to standard paid leave.