AABP EP Awards 728x90

What they’re checking out: Week of April 21


As an ongoing feature, staff members at the Des Moines Public Library will recommend a business-related book to add to your reading list. Find this and more books like it at any of the Des Moines Public Library’s six locations and online at dmpl.org. And find information on how to get a FREE library card and all its benefits at dmpl.org/get-carded.


Des Moines Public Library business book pick: “The Brain-Friendly Workplace: Why Talented People Quit and How to Get Them to Stay” by Friederike Fabritius..

Why you should read it: Retaining talent is one of the most important parts of establishing a successful business or organization. The modern workplace makes that more difficult than ever before, with stress and burnout driving talented professionals out of the corporate office. This 2022 bestseller focuses on a science-based approach to retaining talent by focusing on making the world of work a more dynamic and better place. 

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