What they’re checking out: Week of Sept. 13


As an ongoing feature, staff members at the Des Moines Public Library will recommend a business-related book to add to your reading list. Find this and more books like it at any of the Des Moines Public Library’s six locations and online at dmpl.org. And find information on how to get a FREE library card and all its benefits at dmpl.org/get-carded.


Des Moines Public Library business book pick: “Latinoland: A Portrait of America’s Largest and Least Understood Minority,” by Marie Arana.

Why you should read it: This acclaimed 2024 book is an all-encompassing overview of Hispanic America culled from personal interviews, extensive research and the author’s own life experience as a Latina. Latinos comprise about 19.1% of the U.S. population, a number that continues to grow, but Latinos are not a monolith and are made up of different cultural and political backgrounds. This book aims to explore those communities in ways that can both celebrate Latino resilience and character and help understand the nation’s fastest-growing minority in the workplace and out of it.

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