YWRC announces Louise Rosenfield Noun awardees


The Young Women’s Resource Center has announced that the recipients of the Louise Rosenfield Noun Impact Award and the Louise Rosenfield Noun Visionary Award are Barbara Adams and Rekha Basu, respectively. The Louise Rosenfield Noun Impact Award honors a Greater Des Moines community member for contributions made toward the empowerment of girls and young women through direct service, programming or mentorship. Adams is the principal of Findley Elementary School. The Louise Rosenfield Noun Visionary Award honors advocates, activists, innovators and philanthropists whose contributions and body of work have made significant contributions toward the empowerment of girls and young women. Basu is a columnist at the Des Moines Register. Adams and Basu will be honored at the Young Women’s Resource Center’s annual gala, which will be held virtually on April 17.