AABP EP Awards 728x90

A Closer Look: Megan Grandgeorge

Director of marketing and public relations, Variety - the Children’s Charity


After working eight years for the biggest event in the state of Iowa, Megan Grandgeorge is shifting gears — and locations — for a new role as director of marketing and public relations at Variety – the Children’s Charity. Grandgeorge spent the better part of the past decade working in a basement office in the marketing department at the Iowa State Fair. It was a good fit and an even better experience for someone who says she loves event-driven work. Still, Grandgeorge said she was ready for something new and exciting and a little more “downtown.” The newly created position at Variety fit the bill and it presents a challenge for Grandgeorge, who said she’s new to nonprofits but passionate about the organization’s mission.

You grew up in Illinois. How did you land in Des Moines?
I attended Drake University, and after graduation I returned to Chicago. I wasn’t really finding a job there, so I decided to come back to Des Moines. That was the best decision I ever made. I ended up at Court Avenue Brewing Co. waiting tables, where I worked with Scott Carlson (owner of the restaurant). He told me he only wanted me to work there for a couple years, but he said he would give me the tools I needed and introduce me to the people who would help me get a job in my field. He always encouraged me and really helped me catch the spirit of Des Moines. Eventually I worked for Blank Park Zoo doing both events and food service before going to work for the Iowa State Fair. I loved it, but I was excited to land here. Working in the nonprofit sector is new for me. I do volunteer, but I expect a bit of a learning curve.

What does Variety do? What is its mission?
Our mission is to help low-income and special-needs children throughout the state. Every corner of Iowa is touched by Variety in some fashion. We host programs we organize ourselves, like our Kids On The Go program and Bikes for Kids. We also provide transportation for kids to activities and we just opened our first Star Playground, the Ashley Okland Star Playground in Des Moines. We are currently working on a new one in Cedar Rapids. The playgrounds are all adaptive for children with special needs.

Were you involved with Variety prior to working here? How did you learn of the job?
I was not actively involved with Variety, but I’ve attended events and my husband and I have donated to it through our restaurant (Le Jardin in Beaverdale).  A board member here who is a good friend of mine told me about the position and told me that I’d be great at it, so I applied.

You are the first person in this new position. Why was there a need for it?
It’s a position they didn’t have before. A lot of the work I will do fell to the development director. The rest was picked up by volunteers, so it was thought the best use of an open position would be for marketing. I think a lot of people can say they know Variety helps kids, but that’s all they know. Outside of Greater Des Moines, I feel there’s not as much awareness. I think there is a great need to explain our programs and our statewide mission. 

Why was this something you felt you’d be a good fit for?
Variety is events-driven, and it all circles back to that and enjoying that kind of work. I am familiar with their programs, so how could I not want to be a part? Helping children is an easy thing to market, so it’s simply dusting off skills I hadn’t used in a while in order to rise to the challenge. I also thrive in a busy environment, and it’s busy here. Owning a restaurant and working full time has taught me to be creative in overcoming challenges.

How do you plan to approach this job?
We’re starting at square one in this position. Right now, I’m working on a marketing plan and identifying more goals. It’s about brand awareness, but also about raising funds for the organization. My goal is to figure out where everything fits and learn about the organization before I start implementing plans. Our website is first on my list after that. Long-term, I want to focus on expanding awareness of Variety in other parts of the state beyond Greater Des Moines and Cedar Rapids. Aside from that, I just want to tell the stories, and I think that’s what’s missing — how Variety touches the lives of others. 

What else do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I love camping and canoeing and reading. I don’t currently volunteer. With the restaurant and transitioning to a new position, it’s something I’ve had to say no to the last couple of months, but it’s something I want to get back to. I’ve been a member of Junior League, which has helped me dabble in a lot of things. I’ve also been involved with Winefest Des Moines.