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Diamond Oil Co. wins Renewable Fuels Marketing Award


Des Moines-based Diamond Oil Co. was the recipient of the Iowa secretary of agriculture’s 2020 Biodiesel Marketing Award. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig presented Elliott Oil Co. of Ottumwa and Diamond Oil Co. with the 2020 Renewable Fuels Marketing Awards Tuesday at the FUELIowa annual meeting. Diamond Oil supplies and markets biodiesel through traditional brick and mortar retail outlets, and its biodiesel footprint extend into high-volume end-users in the agriculture, residential, industrial, racing and transportation arenas. As its education and marketing efforts have expanded its biodiesel sales, Diamond Oil has leveraged the Iowa Renewable Fuel Infrastructure Grant Program to support its private investments into expanding infrastructure to support the growing demand from customers for biodiesel, including the installation of biodiesel terminals in Des Moines and State Center.