AABP EP Awards 728x90

Gitomer: Really – It’s the water


Ask anyone in New York City why their bagels are the BEST in the world and they will say, “It’s the water!”

Ask anyone in Philadelphia why their cheesesteaks are the BEST in the world, and they will say, “It’s the bread.” Further questioning, one will ask, “Why is the bread so different?” and they will say, “It’s the water!”

Water? Really? Yes, water!

The unique water that’s ADDED to the standard ingredients makes the food BEST.

So I’m going to ask you two questions: 

What’s in your “water”? 

What makes your water different from/better than anyone else’s water?

There are 7.5 elements of your water that I will challenge you make your water no different from anybody else’s water on the planet, and further challenge you that if you decide to improve those elements (your water), you can become the best in the world. Or at least the best in your marketplace.

1. Your attitude water. If you know and understand that the classic definition of a positive attitude is “the way you dedicate yourself to the way you think,” then it’s obvious that you can change and improve your attitude water by changing your morning routine. Wake up and start reading instead of watching TV. Reading a positive attitude book for 10 minutes, highlighting, and taking notes about your thoughts, can begin a whole new attitude mindset that will  differentiate you from everyone else. 

2. Your belief water. While I have talked about belief for years, I’ve never said what it would take to build and strengthen your existing belief process. Invest 30 minutes of your time and make a list of the five parts of belief. If you don’t believe that your water is the best, how will you be able to transfer that message to anyone else?

3. Your compelling message and enthusiasm water. Present a compelling message and you will immediately differentiate yourself from 99.9 percent of all the salespeople on the planet. These are people who communicate poorly, or simply talk in terms of themselves. By becoming a prepared and enthusiastic presenter, you will be perceived as sparkling water. 

4. Your innovative ideas water. When you bring an idea to a customer, it shows that you have prepared in terms of them. Your idea is about them and how they win, or how they profit. Once you get in the groove of innovation in creating ideas, it will spill over to everything that you do. That’s hot water.

5.  Your follow-through water. This water is the fulcrum point in the sale. Even if you have already made the sale, your customers expect both delivery and service in order to complete the sale in their mind. You will solve nothing until the customer receives your product or service, loves your product or service, and is completely impressed by the way you stay in touch and follow through.

6. Your relationship building water. Solid value-based relationships lead to repeat business and referrals. Do I need to say anything else about the importance and the value of this water?

7. Your trustworthiness water. This is slowly aged water. Trustworthiness comes from positive, favorable, actions taken over time. Trust is not built in a day; it’s built day by day. 

7.5. Your reputation water. Reputation water is the most valuable of them all. It means the rest of your water has all been given and received positively. It means that you have consistently performed to the delight of your customers, and anyone can find you on the Internet and see your positive postings and results. You can never have too much reputation water. It’s my hope that your cup of reputation water runneth over.

When someone asks you why your sales are better that anyone else’s, your response can now be, “It’s the water!” Keep ‘em guessing, baby. Keep ‘em guessing.