NOTEBOOK: What can you find at a coworking space?
Whenever I stop by the Gravitate coworking space on Locust Street, I have to remind myself to look around. Sure, sometimes our regular office at the Business Record holds a few surprises (like puppy visitors), but there’s always more to notice over at Gravitate. After my recent visit during Hatchlings Game Jam, I thought I’d round up a few recent sights:
An accordion player coding a virtual reality game simulating a trip to the grocery store.
• An accordion player playing the accordion.
• A young yellow Labrador named Hercules, who is a very good boy testing for his Canine Good Citizen certification in the next week. (Good luck, Herc!)
• A floor-to-ceiling balloon installation by artist Jackie Turnquist.
• Monstrous depictions of your typical office staff by illustrator Nathan T. Wright.
• The beer keg.
• The pineapple paintings, whose painter’s name I did not write down. No worries: I’ll be back soon.